So....I'm going to be honest, here. I'm going with the only idea i've had thus far in the past week for this paper half-heartedly, knowing it may fail completely. But, it's what i have, so here it goes.
The idea that I've stuck with is essentially optimism, or more of the lack of it in the world around us today. People today are, simply put, generally unhappy. My argument is essentially that yes, many people have many reasons to be unhappy, i believe that every person can find even more reasons to be happy that to be down with the doom and gloom.
Some potential view points are: that people often compare themselves to those better off than them, causing pessimism, while simply being content with that which you do have can bring even more happiness than those who do have more. Another viewpoint is that the media often says to us what we need or need to do in order to be truly happy. Although following can be quite appealing and enticing, often times you'll find yourself even further from "true happiness", where you were originally aspiring to be. viewpoint may be sound pretty broad, but just looking at the extremes in all areas, to gain a better appreciation, for all that they do have, especially in looking in what they actually made it out of.