Thursday, February 3, 2011

Who they be sprech-ing to?

I chose a writing in the "Business and Economy" (Specifically, chapter 7-d) titled "Wal-Martian Invasion." I wouldn't say this is a topic i'm necessarily passionate about, more of something i've been interested in looking into, with interest in things like their business practices.

Mass consumers, subtle audience of Wal-Mart itself

Current and/or contemporary events of importance:
By 2000, Wal-Mart begins to grow exponentially
A series of lawsuits that Wal-Mart faces

Profession/race/age/socioeconomic status:
Middle-class Middle-aged retail-shoppers

Not a proponent of "Big Business"
Doesn't like the way Wal-Mart carries its business or its employees

Issues of importance:
Sexual discrimination, unethical business practices, low-wages of employees

Opponents (real or perceived):
Wal-Mart, or "likers" of Wal-Mart-esque businesses

Major fears/worries:
No major fears.
Minor fears may include other superstores coming to the aid of Wal-Mart, or tolerance of there practices by consumers.


  1. I saw this article too and i must admit, it would be very interesting to analyze because we are all so familiar with walmarts in our daily lives anyway.

  2. That's kind of what got me interested in it, something that's been in our everyday lives, directly relatable.
